Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Luckyboy Silver Finishing

About the
Luckyboy Studio Finishing Process

For all of you who may have some interest beyond our history page in the “Our Commitment” section here is a little detail. Once the silver has cooled and the investment removed from the casting process, the jewelry is steamed and bathed in a mild acidic to remove any extra investment junk. From here each piece is removed from it’s sprew tree and cleaned up with hand tools, files, fine sandpaper and the like. If any soldering or assembly is required, it’s the next step. Once everything is very clean we move another step to final finishing. This is the part where some magic happens. Over the the years new technology has come to this 5000 year old process call ‘vibrating centrifugal magnetic finishing”. Imagine thousands of smooth tiny stainless steel pins and beads pounding the surface of your jewelry. (the pieces on the left are shown very large) These tiny hammers are burnishing the surface the same as using polished steel burnisher and rubbing it against the surface. These tiny hammers reach into the smallest crevices and channels, easily reaching places almost impossible through hand polishing. The result is that the surface becomes bright, shiny and work-hardened. The hammer effect of these tiny metal shapes actually hardens the surface realigning the molecules making the surface more durable. All part of Luckyboy quality.

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